Monday, May 29, 2006


Using pins, clips and locks are traditional style locking method.
A good quick release safety measure for your hood and boot.
Furthermore, they rust in time. Also, an eye-catching by

the road transport department, that is if they do manage to catch you.
Ive had a few Sparco's and Cusco's throughout the years and they do
fade out especially under the hot sun and monsoon rain.

Aerocatch is the latest gadget in the quick-release and safety-lock

category. They are bloody light and strong. They dont fade. They
are black to suit your Carbon Fibre or Kevlar hood/boot. They are
hideous to the RTD officers. My recommendation for serious drivers
when it comes to safety locks and long-term investment.

Ive got my set through my buddy, Andrew. Thanks.

Website :
Where : United Kingdom
How much : RM380.00 (Including Shipping, Handling & Tax)
Who uses them : Top Secret Japan, Norris Design UK, BTCC

ps. i still have 'em as i have not gotten a good bargain for a descent CF hood.