It all started from a sketch in the office. It took me many months of dilemmas on trying to choose a good CAI system for my car. I wouldnt say this is the the best system since i dont have a carbon fiber factory behind my house that would at least make things lighter, cooler and definitely looks good.
As you can see from my sketch, there are heaps of parts that needs to be purchased and customised. I realised this aint gonna be a cheap project once its completed.
My previous air filter system :
- HKS 4" 200/100 bolt-on to factory tube (simple and good)
- Topfuel pipe + Blitz Filter (i like this but my fusebox seems to block away the tube position)
- Quad throttles with metal sheet mesh (i reckoned it would be better without the sheet)
- Stock factory system (nothing beats this but the response is slow)
My comments towards all the air filter systems that i have used so far is that i did not make any boxes or partitions to shield from the engine heat. Well heat is one of the engine deadly sins as we all know. Well thats my fault of not doing the partition box.
For this project to complete, i will split them to 2 sections. The engine bay section and the front bumper section. The front bumper section will not be completed so soon.
I am going to list down all the parts for every sections and hopefully if budget permits, i can get them all according to my specification :
Engine Bay :
- HKS 2nd Gen Air Filter 200/80 (3") - Street Use (I dont like the new 3rd gen "Reloaded")
- BPi Velocity Stack (3") - Drag Use (
- Custom stainless steel 3" tube (no money to buy CF tube)
- Samco straight couplings or reducers (samco reducers gonna hurt my wallet)
- Custom aluminium partition box (not gonna do a complete negative chamber box)
- Custom my Sard oil catch tank from AN -8 to AN-6 pipes (lucky i didnt sell it)
- Goodridge steel braided hoses and finishers
- DEI ceramic heatwraps
Front Bumper :
- J's Racing FRP Air-Duct For Honda EG-6 (CF might fade under the hot sun everyday)
- Flexible alumnium/plastic tube (bumper to side fender)
Since AEM and HKS do not have complete CAI kit for my Proton Satria, then i have to live with whatever i can custom and fabricate. If they did, the price would be around RM1,xxx definitely. Another thing that bothers me is the heatwave these days. It is so hot during the day and sometimes i think the air underneath the hood is enough to roast few turkeys for Thanksgiving Day. So much of living in a tropical and developing "smog" country.
I will share more information on every part that i have chosen in my next updates.